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Richard Miller
Richard Miller Associates, LLC
United States
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United States
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Richard Miller oversees the design, moderation, interviewing, and data processing activities as well as project direction, field management, data processing, and analysis functions of qualitative and quantitative research for research companies who are seeking consultation.
Richard is a founding member of Richard Miller Associates, and CPResearch, Inc., which has been a pioneer in multi-city data collection activities in 29 USA cities and in adopting and developing computer-assisted interviewing techniques, personal computer-based data tabulations, and analytic techniques in qualitative and quantitative research. Richard serves as the company?s senior researcher, having conducted hundreds of studies using a variety of methodologies and techniques, including conjoint, CATI, and multi-media CAPI, several of which studies had tens of thousands of sample sizes as well as new product development/advertising research using quantitative and qualitative research.
Richard further serves as a consultant for developing and programming computer analytical techniques in marketing research. This consultation experience includes significant collaboration with Sawtooth Software, Inc. in assisting in the design of commercially viable and effective computer-based telephone interviewing, conjoint analysis, perceptual mapping and cluster analytical software. Richard has spoken at many conferences for the MRA, AMA, Sawtooth, and MSU Statistical Consortium and has co-authored numerous papers and speeches on computer interviewing and conjoint analysis including "The Effectiveness Of Alternative Preference Elicitation Procedures In Predicting Choice" and "The Magnitude Of And An Explanation / Solution For The Number Of Levels Effect In Conjoint Analysis". His most recent paper co-authored with Joel Huber from Duke University and Bryan Orme of Sawtooth Software was ?Dealing with Product Similarity in Conjoint Simulations.? This paper dealt with randomized first choice and recently won the ?Best / Most Important Paper? at the 1999 Sawtooth Software Conference in San Diego.
Richard's background includes a B.S. in Economics and Mathematics from Michigan State University as well as over 30 years of marketing research experience.
Opinion polling, Product & Brand Development, Research methodologies
Customer Experience (CX), Usage & Attitudes, Data reporting and visualisation, Product innovation, development and management