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AISM - Associazione Italiana Marketing

Applies the ICC/ESOMAR Code by adoption

Via Olmetto 3
20123 Milan
President Mr. Franco Giacomazzi
Vicario Vice President Mr. Giancarlo Cervino
Vice President Ms. Giustina Gentile Badaracco
Vice President Mr. Aldo Viapiana
General Secretary Mr. Oscar Pallme
Council Members
Code of Ethics used
ICC/ESOMAR International Code of Market and Social Research
Total Membership
350 (200 individual professional members, 70 corporate, 80 non professional individual members)
Membership fees
EUR 200.000 individual member
EUR 875.000 corporate member
EUR 1.450.000 sostenitori member
EUR 130.000 aderenti member

Membership Qualifications Admission, upon recommendation of two Senior Members, of subjects - companies or individuals - who have been performing in the last 4 years, the profession of marketer or marketing researcher.

Activities AISM operates for the development and the spread of the culture of Marketing and the multiple techniques connected through activity of formation (AISM Marketing School), seminaries, encounter, events, conventions, banns and studies.

Publications AISM News-Trimestrale (free to members).