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SAIMO - Sociedad Argentina de Investigadores de Marketing y Opinion

ESOMAR partner association

Applies the ICC/ESOMAR Code by adoption

Cerrito 1054 - 13th Floor
1010 Buenos Aires

President: Mr. Gonzalo Roqué
Vice President: Ms. Susana Marquís
Secretary: Mr. Gerardo Daniel Tuñón Corti
Treasurer: Mr. Álvaro Tuso
Council Members
Code of Ethics used
ICC/ESOMAR International Code
Total Membership
Total members 152, Senior members 130, Junior members 22 (fieldwork, data entry, software, etc. suppliers)
Membership fees
USD 68 full member; USD 34 associate member

Membership Qualifications Three membership categories:
- Seniors; Project Directors, Sr. Research Analysts, Marketing Research Managers, with at least 4 years of practice
- Juniors; Research professionals, working as Jr. Analysts, assistants, group coordinators, field chiefs, with at least two years of practice
- Adherents; Market research users (other than market research department) and advertising professionals

All must adhere to the Codes of Ethics ICC/ESOMAR/WAPOR and be recommended by two members of SAIMO.

Activities - Essentials, Specialists and Skills Courses, Seminars and Forums with users
- SAIMO is an active member of the Argentine Committee for ISO rules of research and integrates a commission to follow up in preparing a new Argentine socio-economic-level index