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PTBRiO - Polskie Towarzystwo Badaczy Rynku i Opinii

Applies the ICC/ESOMAR Code by adoption

ul. Szarotki 11
02-609 Warsaw

Chairman - Ms. Dominika MAISON (Warsaw Univeristy)
Vice Chairman - Mr. Arkadiusz Wódkowski (AMPS)
Secretary - Ms. Marlena Huszczak (Pentor Research International)
Treasurer/ member of the board - Elzbieta GORAJEWSKA (AGB Nielsen Media Research)
Member of the board - Jan Marcin KUJAWSKI (Millward Brown SMG/KRC)
Member of the board - Piotr SZCZEPANIAK (Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa)
Secretary- Marlena HUSZCZAK (Pentor Research International)
Council Members
Code of Ethics used
ICC/ESOMAR International Code of Market and Social Research
Total Membership
Membership fees
PLN 250 (EUR 60)

Membership Qualifications - Member: a person who conducts his/her professional or academic activities in the field of marketing or opinion research for at least 2 years, follows the ICC/ESOMAR Code of Conduct, receives written recommendation from two society members, of which at least one is not employed in the same institution as the applicant
- Supporting member: a person or legal entity that receives written recommendation from two society members, of which none is a member of the Board and at least one is not employed in the same institution as the applicant or by the legal entity in question
- Honorary member: a person who receives written recommendation from two society members, of which none is a member of the Board and at least one is not employed in the same institution as the applicant

Activities Promotion of marketing and opinion research and its significance, organizing seminars and training on marketing and opinion research, facilitating cooperation and information exchange among marketing and opinion researchers. PTBRiO organises:
- Winter Researchers' Expedition (March)
- Annual Gongress of Polish Researchers (October)
- Monthly meetings "Researchers' Club"

Publications - Annual report on research market in Poland (elaborated according to ESOMAR standards)
- Annual catalogue of research agencies and institutes