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MII - The Marketing Institute of Ireland
South County Business Park, Leopardstown
Dublin 18
Chair - Gerard O’Neill
Membership Qualifications
- Full Graduates of the Institute: executives with marketing related third level qualifications and two years + experience in marketing, and executives over 30 years with eight years + experience in marketing management.
- Associate: This is open to others with relevant marketing experience, who do not qualify for full membership status.
Activities Established in 1962, The Marketing Institute is the representative body for the marketing profession in Ireland. A Chief Executive and a permanent staff of 8 manage the activities of the Institute. The Institute promotes the importance of strategic marketing and provides educational opportunities for every phase of a marketing career. Activities include Professional Development in Marketing programme, regular events such as Marketing Breakfasts and Regional Branch meetings, plus Directors’ Forum for Chief Executives. A series of seminars is also mounted, as well as an annual National Marketing Conference.
Publications IMR (Irish Marketing Review), is twice a year, a quarterly magazine called MII Quarterly (MIIQ), a fortnightly E-zine, annual report, student publications, ad hoc surveys and reports.